The toilet in question, also known as a tōsu to the Zen monks that would have used it in the temple, dates back to somewhere in Japan’s early Muromachi period, from 1333 to 1568. This toilet is estimated to have been built between 1333 and 1392. It looks like the crash happened in October, but, you know, my ancient toilet sources are slow. Just calling it a “toilet” implies singular, but it’s really not – this is really a communal toilet, with rows of evenly spaced holes, ready to accept healthy, loamy monk turds or torrents of monkly urine. In fact, this toilet had the nickname of hyakusecchin, which means “hundred-person toilet.” Ewww. Even better, it seems that the waste, referred to by the more marketing-friendly name nightsoil, was collected and sold to the surrounding farmers, who presumably used it for fertilizer. I mean, I hope that’s what they used it for. The setup reminds me of the communal toilets of ancient Rome; it seems the desire to not be sitting right next to a bunch of people while you take a leisurely shit is a modern affectation. The 30-year old worker at the temple either mistook the brake pedal for the gas pedal, or reversed when he meant to drive forward; both reports are out there, and it could be a combination: wrong gear and wrong pedal when attempting to stop to correct. The good news is that nobody was hurt, and temple management believes the damaged doors can be repaired.

But now let’s get to the really interesting part of all this: the car that did the smashing. As you can see from the picture, it’s a novel-looking thing. It’s a Toyota Will Vi, a car built from 2000 to 2001 that can be thought of as sort of Toyota’s belated answer to Nissan’s 1990 Pike Factory cars like the Pao or Figaro.

The name comes from an interesting marketing gambit used by a number of Japanese companies, including cosmetic makers, breweries, electronics makers, candy companies, tourism firms, furniture makers, and more, all of whom would sell products under the WiLL brand in an attempt to make them cool to young people.

Toyota’s first WiLL offering was first shown at the 1999 Tokyo Motor Show, where they called it a “playful 4-door personal vehicle,” and I can’t say I see anything inaccurate about that assessment.

The Will Vi was, like Nissan’s Pike cars, essentially a mass-market car with fun new clothes. In this case, the Will Vi was based on the first-gen Toyota Vitz, which was called a Yaris or Echo in some markets, and used the same 1.3-liter engine. The body design, though, was extremely novel, with the most distinctive trait being the reverse-raked rear window, like what you’d see on an old Ford Angli or Citroën Ami.

The rest of the design vocabulary and aesthetic was interesting as well, reminding me a bit of how Postmodern architecture modernized and re-interpreted classic forms and design motifs, kind of like how the architect Philip Johnson playfully used a furniture design motif on a skyscraper; the stylized and exaggerated “corrugations” in the WiLL Vi doors, hood, and trunk lid remind me of this approach. The hubcaps were supposed to remind you of sand dollars, and the interior also had some unusual references. See if you can spot what this dashboard design was supposed to evoke:

One source says that the dashboard design and color were meant to suggest a submarine sandwich, or hoagie, and you know what, I can see it. The interior is laid out in a retro manner, too, with a split bench seat up front and a column-mounted shifter.

Honestly, I love these weird things, but I also seem to be in the minority, because they didn’t really sell all that well. Two more WiLL-series cars followed, the WiLL Cypha and WiLL VS, but while the Cypha was techno-weird, the VS was just kinda boring, and it seems like the WiLL idea had become diluted and uninteresting. So, it seems like most of the world had forgotten about these interesting cars. That is, until a plucky conservation worker smashed into a centuries-old toilet with one! Maybe this toilet-smash was just what the WiLL cars need to get some attention again! And just in time for everyone to start saving up for the 25 year anniversary, when we can import these funky toilet-smashers into America! See, there’s a bright side to everything!     Holy shit! Torch, I am disappoint. glad you guys picked up Stef and Mercedes! It’s fun (extreme sarcasm) seeing the same 5 commenters over there go back and forth on every article though. They were still collecting night soil in late ‘70s Nagasaki at least. There were several large cisterns for it in the the massive vegetable garden at the bottom of our neighborhood which was near the very top of Kazegashirayama*. Our obenjo was a porcelain trough with a 10”(?) hole with a long (we were on the 2nd story) tube down to the holding tank. I idly wondered what the Shimogamas below thought of the Gaijin shit rattling down this tube in their wall. Multiple times a year the ‘honey trucks’ would park at the bottom of the path to our area and run what seemed like hundreds of feet of blue ribbed tube up to the various little alleys off the path to suck everyone’s waste. It was well-organized and efficient, and you only got occasional whiffs of effluent, but the tubes flexing & pulsing was a bit off-putting the first couple times I walked home alongside them. *’Windy Gods Mountain-love that name Wasn’t the stupid rear window first seen on a late fifties Ford Fairlaine or something? (too lazy too Google it today…) and then copied on to the early sixties small european cars? – Also the Will thing might have inspired Patrick Le Clement and his guys at Renault for the rather crazy looking 2002 Megane II: What I DO remember was a website they set up to provide info: www dot whatswill dot com. (I’m sure the link has long since died)…. No one I knew then saw the possible confusion of “what’s will” with “what swill.” Except me. (A German national’s introduction to the latrine at his new Canadian internment camp.) ” … the [washing] shed turned out to be as bare as the [living shed]. It did, however, have a mind-boggling installation mounted [and] nothing Rube Goldberg ever thought of could have been funnier or more effective. An immense cast-iron pipe, about four feet in diameter, ran the entire length of the platform. Every three feet or so, a foot-wide hole had been drilled into the pipe, clearly intended to fit a medium-sized posterior — about a dozen holes in all. There were chest-high wooden slats separating these “nests”, but no closure, front or rear. Flushing had the simplicity of genius. Every ten seconds or so, a burst of water reaching almost, but never quite, to seating level swept through the pipe, starting at one end and rushing to the other. If you looked up at the platform, you could see a dozen perchers side by side; first the guy on the extreme left would bob up quickly, and then his neighbor, and so on right down the line, by which time the first sitter would be ready to bob again. It threw an entirely new light on the principles of toilet training and “motion with motion” became part of our lives. The full potential of the scene did not dawn on us that first night, but later on, if you had nothing better to amuse you, you could always hang out and watch the “late” bobbers. Who invented this astonishing installation, or who had used it before us, was never revealed.” Mark Lynton, “Accidental Journey — A Cambridge Internee’s Memoir of World War II” With all the amazing JDM choices, why someone would choose to keep that 20 year old car boggles the mind. The bigger issue is the strict safety inspections, but, just keep your car maintained and you won’t be surprised with a huge bill when that comes around.

The Oldest Toilet In Japan Was Crashed Into By A Really Cool Car You Should Know About - 70The Oldest Toilet In Japan Was Crashed Into By A Really Cool Car You Should Know About - 56The Oldest Toilet In Japan Was Crashed Into By A Really Cool Car You Should Know About - 53The Oldest Toilet In Japan Was Crashed Into By A Really Cool Car You Should Know About - 83The Oldest Toilet In Japan Was Crashed Into By A Really Cool Car You Should Know About - 84The Oldest Toilet In Japan Was Crashed Into By A Really Cool Car You Should Know About - 66The Oldest Toilet In Japan Was Crashed Into By A Really Cool Car You Should Know About - 13The Oldest Toilet In Japan Was Crashed Into By A Really Cool Car You Should Know About - 2The Oldest Toilet In Japan Was Crashed Into By A Really Cool Car You Should Know About - 52