What the hell is going on here? I feel like the scene was supposed to be all about balloons and fun and kids but the photographer thought, hey, what this scene really needs is a bit of tension, so why not add a lawyer to the mix, reminding that pale little fella in the plaid hat that we have rules around here regarding balloon inflation and you should be aware that all yellow balloons are trademarked by the saffron collective, which he represents, and they are very prepared to take immediate and decisive action regarding misuse of yellow balloons, which you are clearly in violation of. You don’t want any trouble, kid. Drop the balloon. Drop it. Now. Didn’t this one come out about the time NSU wanted to put Chrysler slant-sixes in these cars? You remember the result, don’t you?

  • present company-and Sheryl-excepted, of course

The Little Prinz  Balloon Lawyer  Cold Start - 31The Little Prinz  Balloon Lawyer  Cold Start - 85