Check this out:

First of all, these types of ads are not unique to Texas, though there is a certain specifically Texan-feeling charm about the fast-paced yelling that ensues, the necessity of including a big-looking dude, and the shoutout to a specific exit. While not quite as scream-y, this takes me back to the Lawrence Marshall Chevrolet ads I grew up with:

If you’re curious, that’s not Lawrence Marshall but former Oilers defensive tackle Ray Childress. And this one, which opens with the exit:

I assume this ad was at least partially inspired by Andrew Dismukes, who starts as one of the King Brothers. The actor/writer grew up outside of Houston and went to the University of Texas and therefore probably took the same US 290 route to college that I did from Montgomery County. That drive takes you through Brenham which, like most small Texas towns, has been cut in half by an ever-expanding highway (though it’s been better since they got the overpass). Texas is excellent at building highways, though I’d argue that they’d be better off if they knocked it off and focused on higher density. Also, shout out for this line: “My daughter Hailey is a Classics Professor at Brenham Community College and she has described our plight as ‘A funhouse mirror held up against the American Dream.’ I said ‘I don’t know about that baby girl, all I know is I’m getting effed-in-the-A by councilman Hugo Gallegos!” So perfect. [Unrelated Editor’s Note: Can we give a shoutout to all the Kia jingles?

-DT] When my kids were young and acting snotty in the back seat, I’d start loudly riffing a broadcast of Moody and The Pout coming to you live from Chezik-Bell Honda, with Bob on the grill turning out brats and burgers, $4500 dealer cash-back incentives, and a bounce castle for the kids! I hear that enough each day…and I don’t even hear it. It’s just…there…in my head. Mitsubishi, no question. Mitsubishi signs are the new Thin Veneer of Respectability for used car dealerships frequented by refugees from the US credit bureau wasteland.

SNL Perfectly Nails Dealership Commercials  Raising Cane s Drive Thrus  and Texas - 71