The cart up there was being used on the Pebble Beach grounds themselves and I was told by the drivers that the customization was handled by their boss, who added the fancy lights, grille, windshield, and an eagle/aircraft stylized hood ornament from what I think must have been a 1955-ish Chevy. While these absolutely dress up the utilitarian gold cart made from Cozy Coupé-grade plastics and dramatically change how the cart is perceived, it can’t hold a candle to the best golf cart of the week, which was this one:

Hot damn that’s a fine golf cart! Look at the sleek ’80s wedge design! The novel headlight placement above the hood! The full-car-like stance and presence! It’s fantastic, and it’s a Yamaha G5 Sun Classic golf car. I’m hesitant to write too much more about it because I think it may deserve its own article. So keep an eye out for that. Also, one last thing: I’m en route to drive the new VW ID.Buzz electric Microbus, and I think I’ve just been in the nicest airplane bathroom I’ve ever had the pleasure of befouling:

— Jason Torchinsky (@JasonTorchinsky) August 23, 2022 Look at that! Charming painted traditional Dutch buildings, rendered in the color and style of Delftware! Airplane bathrooms usually have all the style of a medical device used to drain cysts, but not this time! Taking a comfortable if cramped bowel movement a mile in the sky and staring at Delftware-inspired wall art? How can you beat that? You can’t is how.       While I’ve personally never befouled an airplane bathroom, I once had to take an emergency dump at a bus station whose Mens’ room was missing the stall doors during a layover. The urinals were out of order, and everyone had to walk passed my stall to get to the other one in the back, since the back stall was unavailable when my turn in line came up, and it was a DEFCON 4 shituation with no room for negotiation thanks to the turtle’s head trying to poke at my boxers. My offering to the porcelain Temple of Sterculius ended up causing a clog with a line of people waiting for that toilet. Still nothing near as harrowing as the article published on this site about how one of the writers here earned the name STAB while flying a fighter jet. Embrace the creepy! Maybe I could wear it around my neck on a chain, like Flavor Flav. Chrome. Yeah. I’m keenly interested in your impressions of the Buzz. Especially any leaks about the American version.

Cold Start  This Was The Second Coolest Golf Cart At Monterey Car Week - 3Cold Start  This Was The Second Coolest Golf Cart At Monterey Car Week - 41