She’s running rough, but won’t quit. Ever, as far as I can tell. at some point it’ll just become one giant check engine light you can ride in straight into the mouth of hell itself. I still miss that car. It always ran, you could fit an absurd amount of cargo in there by laying down the seats, and it got decent mileage. I like my new car just fine, but always wonder whether I should have kept the xB. If they’d still been making them in 2020, would have bought one in a heartbeat. Also, for those of you saying that it was scary getting it onto the freeway: do you not have on-ramps where you live? Not trolling, I know that roads in other parts of the country just sort of shunt you right into traffic with no room to accelerate. Never had an issue getting the Scion onto the highway. Really demonstrates how the aerodynamic properties of a shed (plus an extra hundred-odd pounds) will kneecap your performance, all other factors being equal. I don’t say that to be mean to the Brave Little Toaster; their shape is wonderfully practical and charming in its own right. (I’ve owned several rectilinear Volvos, so if anything I’m biased toward the xB.) Bought it with 50K and sold it with 200K I can also see it as the rolling merch mobile. Also, love the stencil work. It just needs an amber safety light on the roof now. And you should always put traffic cones around it when you park. Potato/Potahto. That said, apparently there are quite a few qualifiers on that, like the fact that if you have moldy fabric or cushions you may not be able to remove it with ozone alone. Interesting read on the subject: Actually you should demonstrate how much of a beating rallycross puts on a car. For science.