The enormity of the Nano’s achievement only gets more impressive wen you compare it against other popular, inexpensive cars for the masses and convert their prices to modern dollars. I did this back in 2018 when I wrote up the Nano, so I’m just going to copy-and-paste that here, because I want to make this point yet again: Incredible! I hope somebody takes another stab at an absurdly affordable car one day. In fact, I hope that the creation of absurdly affordable cars would somehow gain the same status that carmakers try to grab when they build absurdly expensive supercars. A Nano cost right around $2500 in 2008, which is equivalent to $2891 today. That’s astoundingly cheap. A Ford Model T, to cite another famous example, was $825 back in 1909; that’s about $21,748 today. The cheap one is the harder goal to hit, I’m sure of that. We need more cars that are affordable. If we ever got it, the Nano would instantly become ever Uber car And I hadn’t even thought about Uber and their arbitrary model year cutoff. I would much rather get picked up from the airport in a 1999 Panther platform than the 2012 Prius that I seem to always get, but Uber’s rules incentivize their drivers to find the cheapest (to purchase and operate) vehicle made within the past 10 years. An ultra-cheap ride would be a game-changer for Uber drivers. This, of course, assumes that decent safety and environmental requirements can be met at that price point, which is a big assumption. With the same amount of engineering effort they put into the Nano they could have made a compelling car that would still be cheaper than the competition TL/DR they made the car way too cheap , just to achieve a number Free the Nano!!! Despite the attempts of the type of people who congregate here to like it (and we really tried), it was a total failure in the U.S. I’m curious how it’s perceived in its home market. And unrelated, sharing pics of rashes/discussing causes is in fact the best episode of 2 Broke Girls. “I thought taking pics of your food was weird, but okay…” I dont buy the oft quoted aspirational argument at all. If that was true there would be no cheapest car sold in india! Yes,the argument is that idiotic