I’d personally have jam-packed this motherlover full off goddamn apples. Plus, I’d have had a shot of the rear seatback up to show how many apples could be crammed into the luggage well/parcel shelf back there, as well as with the seat down, because potential buyers may want to know how many apples they could carry along with a full complement of five passengers. Really, the Corvair brochure is shamed, apple-cramming-wise, by what Eastern European apple orchardists (is that a word?) do with their old Ladas. Look at this shit:

That, my friends, is how you cram a car full of apples. If Chevy had the ‘nads and foresight to show a Corvair absolutely crammed to the rain gutters with apples, I’m almost certain the next press car on my list would be a 2023 Corvair CUV.   I always think red when I think Corvette interiors, as it’s one of the few vehicles where it feels appropriate if only b/c of the uniqueness of it in GM’s lineup means it should have some non-performance uniqueness too. It’s a great look and is certain to ensure a diverse readership. You’ve summoned it Jason, and now it’s going to happen. Go to your room and think about what you’ve done. I’d guess less than a Ford Falcon’s worth….

A Corvair s Worth Of Apples  Cold Start - 34A Corvair s Worth Of Apples  Cold Start - 96